Jordan Berman

Our Founder & President

Jordan is a former global executive with extensive experience in leadership and organization development, culture and change management, strategic planning, reputation management and communications.

He has served as a trusted advisor to some of the world’s leading organizations and dozens of CEOs, helping them to develop and launch new strategies and plans, effectively navigate change and transformation, evolve their organizational cultures, increase their employee engagement and successfully manage a number of high-profile issues and global crises.

Jordan is a highly rated corporate trainer and facilitator, sought-after keynote speaker and successful coach, who has helped thousands of people become better leaders and communicators.

Jordan holds a joint Master of Business Administration from the Kellogg School of Management and the Schulich School of Business, has taught at the Schulich School of Business, and is Senior Faculty in Executive Education for the school. He is the author of The Trust Trifecta: A Leader’s Guide to Hitting the Trust Jackpot, focused fostering high trust cultures. His book reached #1 on Amazon in a leadership and management category.

Client Testimonials

Nisha Borshettar – Associate Director, Apotex

“Jordan has been supporting me as a Leadership Coach and in just two sessions, I have gained the confidence needed to enhance my abilities and impact as an aspiring professional leader. If you’re looking for support and guidance on how to strengthen your leadership capabilities, trust me, Jordan is your guy!”

Sandra Ferri – President & CEO, Aurora Chamber of Commerce

“Jordan Berman provided a keynote for an Aurora Chamber of Commerce event with an audience made up of middle managers, directors and c-suite executives on the importance of trust in leadership.

His presentation was insightful, thought provoking and impactful for everyone in the room. The examples he used were real-world and relatable; leaving everyone thinking about their leadership style and how they communicate with their peers, direct reports and superiors.

​I would highly recommend Jordan as a speaker to inspire current or future leaders; you won’t be disappointed.”

Jill Vienneau – Assistant Deputy Minister, Ministry of Infrastructure

“Thank you so much for the excellent session you facilitated with our team regarding resilience. I really appreciated your interest and understanding of the significant organizational changes we are going through – as this set the foundation for a successful session. Your facilitation skills are excellent – you so capably keyed into the ideas from the group and connected them to the topic at hand. The group was deeply engaged, as was evidenced from the buzz during small group exercises. A week later, we are still seeing the impact – as our teams are reflecting on and talking about the approaches, lessons and tools they took away from the session. We would love to have you work with our team again in the future!”

M. Gupta – Regulatory Affairs, Apotex

“It was one of the best leadership talks I have ever heard. It will not only help to build relationships at work, but also in building personal relationships. Thank you for sharing your knowledge!”

Ray Novak – Chief of Staff for Prime Minister Stephen Harper

“It’s easy no easy task to manage a fast moving dialogue like that one via the medium of zoom. I thought you did a masterful job covering a wide range of ground while still leaving good time for audience questions.”

Workshop Participant – Public Sector

“The “simple” truths on leadership we were given by Jordan Berman in 3 hrs. was more valuable than courses I have taken that lasted months. Short, bite-sized and to the point. Great discussion groups that face these situations every day to greater or lesser degree. Great session!”​

Amanda Small – Ministry of Children, Community and Social Services

“I would like to express our hugest thanks for the two days you have shared with us. Kotters model as a Framework, conflict handling tools, Communication skills, sustaining change etc. etc… as well as all of your wisdom, and experience shared, has certainly equipped us with a tool kit, and newfound skills to manage the changes we have coming our way in the very near future.”

Ajay Tyagi – Founder, Valt Consulting, Leadership Development, Bangalore, India

“It was a thought-provoking keynote during our Masterclass on Agile and Resilient Mindset. Jordan highlighted the importance of trust and how trust is relevant while operating in a complex and ambiguous environment. I applaud his thought process and recommend his book “The Trust Trifecta” for leadership development learning programs.”

Pallavi Tamboli – Founder & Managing Partner, Pallavi Tamboli People Advisory, Bangalore India

“Thanks a million for being a wonderful speaker, and more importantly, a good human being. I truly honor the way you explained the importance of trust in the Leadership context when the future looks uncertain. It was an eye opener, I never knew Leadership is so important and healthy for us to transform to the next level.”

Sandy Heymann – Human Capital Thought Leader, President, Heymann Consulting

“Shift Advisory ran a workshop on resilience, agility and building trust. It was incredibly engaging, providing a perfect blend of insightful discussions and practical tools that could be immediately applied. Jordan is highly engaging, made the content relatable and actionable, with us leaving the session with many “ah-has”, new techniques and tools to lean into resilience, more empowered and equipped to build agility and trusting relationships. A highly recommended session for everyone as these are skills we all need to navigate today’s challenges with confidence and better outcomes.”

Workshop Participant

“Jordan was a fabulous instructor. He brought the material to life with many examples and was able to engage all participants. I am excited to return to my office and apply my new knowledge and skills. I am thankful for the time Jordan took to answer all of our questions.”

Workshop Participant

“Excellent storyteller, very relevant examples through direct experiences, allowed for great dialogue and interaction.”

Workshop Participant

“This was an amazing facilitator. The last 3 days were enjoyable. The examples were relevant and relatable.”